The Devils Ivy Plant Combo

$59.00 Sold out

Devil’s ivy has a trailing or climbing habit, so its long stems can be draped over and down shelves or trained up a totem, or it can cascade luxuriously out of a hanging basket. They’re super tough plants, which will thrive in a brightly lit spot indoors that’s protected from direct sunlight, however they’re also tolerant of more dimly lit areas. They’ll also do well in humid areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

It comes complete with a 130mm Charcoal Stone pot but more importantly it also comes with a packet of Chunky Choc Chip Cookies!! Yes, this is a Plant + Cookie super combo!

Pickup currently unavailable at 2/19 Pearson Way

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– If we have any issues with your delivery we will always try to call you, so keep your phone on you during delivery times.

– For deliveries that can’t be delivered, or left unattended at the given address or if we can’t make contact with you, we do charge a re-delivery fee to send this out again the next day.

– Always contact our team if you receive a message from us advising you if your order can’t be delivered.

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Please Note: The images for our products are an example. Please check our Instagram & Facebook pages for photos of our daily bunches/arrangements.